Binary Battlegrounds

Binary Battlegrounds" is a tower defense game in which the player must defend the CPU of his own computer against viruses and malware. The game is played on a mainboard with all its components, over which the opponents try to make their way. In classic tower defense fashion, the player must place towers to prevent his CPU from falling victim to the viruses. Unlike in conventional offshoots of the genre, however, these towers are not improved with a one-dimensional upgrade system, but can be modified via a node system.

This makes upgrading and customizing towers much more interactive, as the individual nodes in a tower can be changed at any time without incurring costs. This allows the player to quickly adapt to different situations. For example, appropriate buffs are needed for each enemy type, such as slowing down against the particularly nimble "bugs" or the right kind of elemental damage to bypass resistances.

There are also a few special features on the map. The previously mentioned components must also be defended! If they fall, the game is not directly lost, but the opponents get an advantage over the player. If one of the graphics is destroyed, this activates a new spawn point in the form of a LAN port for the opponents. So, with the beginning of the next wave, enemies will now stream towards the CPU from two or even three points. The RAM bars, on the other hand, activate a shortcut in the form of a short teleportation for the enemies. This is only active for a short time, though, and is represented by flashes around the capacitors next to the RAMs.

It is therefore important to use the available nodes wisely and to react and rebuild quickly if necessary. Good luck with your defense!

"Binary Battlegrounds" was created by students Steffen Rohe, Nico Schmidt, Johannes Holzapfel, Julius Winkeler, Peter Burkhardt and Jonas Maier as part of the GE project work in the Computer Science - Game Engineering course in the summer semester 2023.

We were supervised in our development by Prof. Dr. René Bühling.

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