Roboshoot Vr

In the winter semester 2021/2022, a VR shooter was developed under the supervision of Prof. Christoph Bichlmeier as part of the GE-Lab module in the third semester. The Treadmill Virtualizer ELITE 2 from Cyberith and the VR goggles VIVE Pro 2 were used. The goal of the game is to fight enemy robot troops in a dystopian-looking open-plan office and to exploit the interactions with the VR world. 

The student developer team consisted of:

  • Dosch, Alexander
  • Fleschutz, Christoph
  • Holzapfel, Johannes
  • Maier, Jonas
  • Mayer, Richard
  • Nölte, Bruno Dietrich
  • Schumacher, Thomas
  • Vollmer, Nikolas

Sound & Music: Repp, Moritz

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